Shift It Into High Gear

And Maximize Your Productivity at Work

Have you ever gotten your first cup of coffee of the day and settled into your office to be productive, but by noon, your assignment is still completely untouched? If you’re struggling to motivate yourself at work, whether you work from home or in an office, here are a few things you can do to get yourself back on track and be productive again.

Reevaluate your game plan.

When you take on any project, you may come up with a strategy for the easiest and most efficient way to work on it. But, as the cursor mocks you from the blank screen, that strategy goes out the window. Maybe it’s time to make a new plan. By backing up a few steps and changing up your approach, you may spark some action and get moving!

Stop multitasking.

While multitasking can be beneficial, consistently splitting your attention between activities can lead to burnout and reduced creativity, especially if the activities are unrelated to the same project. Tackle just one task at a time — this way, you will be completely dedicated to the project at hand instead of trying to do everything all at once.

Take a break and walk.

According to a Stanford University Study, taking a break and going on a walk may help you think in a different way than you did before. When you step away from the desk and get moving, the ideas can start to flow. Who knows, maybe when you get back, you’ll feel like your current task is much simpler!

Get rid of distractions.

When you’re drawing a blank, it’s easy to whip out your phone and see what your friends are up to on social media or to check the weather for the upcoming weekend. Maybe you’d rather sort your emails or even surf the web. But being productive and focused means closing all unnecessary browsers, putting the phone away, and saving the emails for later. Keep your attention where it needs to be.
To kick butt at work, managing your time in ways that are conducive to optimal productivity is key. Experiment with different strategies to get the ball rolling on all of your assignments!

-Randy Sklar


P.S. Are slow computers frustrating your team? Here are 5 things you can do right now:

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