Want to Stay Healthy Over the Holidays?

In a few months, everyone will be talking about their New Year’s resolutions. Most of those resolutions will focus on losing weight or eating better. This is because our health tends to be the first thing to go during the holidays. But due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it’s even more important to stay healthy through the cold and flu season. Here are a few mindset changes you can adopt to stay healthy over the holidays:

Celebrate the ‘good.’ Don’t punish the ‘bad.’

While big holiday celebrations might not be on the menu this year, all those holiday foods certainly are. There’s no sense in making yourself feel bad for enjoying a slice of pecan pie. Instead, focus on filling your plate with vegetables, fresh fruits, or healthy proteins before you move on to dessert. Punishing yourself for “being bad” is not a healthy relationship to have with food. Prioritize your healthy choices instead.

Abandon the all-or-nothing mindset.

Your usual workout might involve a 5-mile run or 60 minutes of yoga. During the holidays, it can be hard to find time to workout. While you should maintain your fitness routine as much as possible, recognize that a little exercise is better than nothing at all. Don’t skip a workout just because you don’t have time to hit the gym. There are some great 10-minute workouts available online to help you stay active during the hectic holidays.

Make water your favorite drink.

This could be year-round advice, but it’s incredibly important right now. Proper hydration helps keep your body healthy. Carry a water bottle around during the day and sip on that instead of a soda. You can still enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning or a glass of wine at Thanksgiving, but make a point to drink more water. Drinking two glasses of water before you start in on a holiday meal can also help keep you from overeating.

There are many things still out of our control, but you can control your mindset. Prioritize your health this holiday season.

Happy Holidays!

-Randy Sklar


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