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3 Hilarious April Fools Pranks Played To Perfection By These Popular Companies
April Fools’ Day might be the only appropriate time of year for you to prank your friends or coworkers with gags like dipping an onion in caramel and offering it as a candy apple or loosening the tops of the salt and pepper shakers. It’s also the one day of the year when big companies get to join...
Is Your Password Hygiene Dirtier Than Highway Roadkill?
Do you use your browser’s autofill option? Why wouldn’t you? You can save so much time online shopping when you don’t have to fill out your address manually each time you make a purchase. It can even make using secure passwords easier when you elect to have your browser remember the password for...
Cell Numbers Are Today’s Social Security Numbers
I'm all about 2-factor authentication, but what I've discovered recently has made me more cautious about how I set it up... Avoid using codes texted to your phone for 2-factor authentication. Using your cell number is one of the most common ways to set up 2-factor authentication. Everyone...
Discover 4 Strategic Pillars To Spring Your Business Forward
Spring is here, and watching flowers sneak up through the soil in your front yard may remind you to consider growth of a different kind — the growth of your business. Regardless of whether you soared over your revenue goals the previous quarter or you took these last few months to recover from...
3 Myths About Two Form Authentication… Busted!
In 2012, Wired journalist Mat Honan saw his entire digital life destroyed in less than an hour. A hacker gained access to his Google account and then quickly began posting harmful messages from Honan’s Twitter profile before logging into his Apple ID and erasing all the data on his devices. This...
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