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Self-Help Books Can’t Do It All

Self-Help Books Can’t Do It All

How Reading Fiction Can Benefit You   Many CEOs and other successful individuals continually espouse the benefits of regular reading. Many times, leaders read self-help books to improve their leadership skills and become more successful. This is all well and good, but even the most successful...

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QR Codes Saved 2021

QR Codes Saved 2021

But Where Did They Come From?   If you’ve been to a restaurant in the last year, you’ve probably seen at least once a card with a small black and white box on the table instead of a menu. You probably know what to do in that scenario: You pull out your smartphone, scan the QR code (aka quick...

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The Sales Power of the Introvert

The Sales Power of the Introvert

When we think of careers suited for extroverts, sales often springs to mind. After all, nothing could be more exhausting to an introvert than having to talk to dozens of people every day and maintain a positive demeanor to seal every deal. However, a surprising study by the Harvard Business Review...

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Should You Floss Your Elbows?

Should You Floss Your Elbows?

How ‘Muscle Flossing’ Helped Cure My Joint Pain   When is the last time you heard someone say, “Man, that was a tough workout. I might have to go home and floss my elbow!” Never, right? If the idea of “flossing” body parts sounds crazy to you, this article may just blow your mind — and solve...

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The Danger of Resting on Your Laurels

The Danger of Resting on Your Laurels

A Good Entrepreneur Never Quits!   Did you watch the Olympics this summer? If you did, you probably noticed a whole bunch of returning athletes. This happens all the time at the Olympics! When an athlete wins gold, they hardly ever call it quits — instead, they push harder and come back to...

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Mechanicsville, VA 23111



(804) 730-2628



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