Worried About Hackers? Your Team Might Be Your Weakness!

Protect Your Company With Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Last year, the Texas-based IT company SolarWinds fell victim to foreign hackers. They breached the firm’s security systems and accessed the data of 18,000 of SolarWinds’ customers. Those customers included Microsoft, Intel, Kent State University, and even the Department of Homeland Security. Yikes!

Attacks like this one keep entrepreneurs up at night. You may have even spent hours tossing and turning, wondering if your clients’ information is safe. If you have, we have two pieces of good news. First, our team can help you with all of your cybersecurity needs, including secure file storage. Second, it’s very unlikely that your company will be the target of Russian hackers or folks sneaking into your building with thumb drives. It’s far more likely that your employees will hand over your data to hackers by accidentally falling for a scam — and these mistakes are entirely preventable!

Most small businesses don’t provide any cybersecurity training for their employees. That means your team could be your biggest weakness! Phishing (aka the practice of sending fraudulent emails to gain information) accounted for 90% of all data breaches in 2019, according to Retruster. Avoiding these breaches is as simple as teaching your team the basics, like:

  • Hovering over links before clicking them to check whether the website they redirect to is legitimate.
  • Checking the email address a message came from before responding or clicking links.
  • Contacting a manager about suspicious emails.

Here at Sklar, we offer comprehensive Cybersecurity Awareness Training sessions that will teach your team these tips and more. (You might also benefit from joining in — according to the Wall Street Journal, CEOs are at the greatest risk of falling for scams.)

When you’re ready to start protecting your data, visit LiveTraining.SklarTechnology.com to access a free training session on “3 Secrets Your Employees Need to Know So They Don’t Fall for Scams.” From there, you can schedule a Cybersecurity Awareness Training session for your whole company that will keep you and your clients safe.

-Randy Sklar


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