Get Inspired for Success in 2022!

The Inspiring Lives Podcast Is One Click Away

About 24% of all Americans listen to podcasts weekly, and I am one of them! A few years back, I stumbled across a show that just might be the perfect launchpad for your 2022 goals:

Inspiring Lives

Inspiring Lives truly lives up to its name. Over 24 1-hour episodes, its hosts interview entrepreneurs, athletes, nutritionists, and other professionals so people can hear their stories and find out what keeps them motivated.

As the podcasters put it, their goal is to help you “learn how [the guest’s] struggles, successes and failures have helped to shape their own views and discover key insights that can help you live a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life today.”

Here are just a few of the famous voices you’ll hear if you check out the back catalog this month:

Master Communicator John Romaniello

Romaniello is described as “an author, angel investor, media personality, and consultant who helps entrepreneurs improve communication skills and increase revenue through writing.” In his episode, he shares his tips for finding the silver lining in any tough situation.

Mountain Climber Karl Egloff

Have you ever wondered how it would feel to train to climb Mount Everest? In this episode, super athlete Egloff shares his experience doing just that, along with tips for getting out of our comfort zones so we can experience new things.

Hospitality Entrepreneur Chip Conley

Inspired Lives describes Joie de Vivre Hospitality Founder Chip Conley as “an entrepreneur who has disrupted the hospitality industry not once, but twice.” His episode is a deep dive into the perks of curiosity and how to power through a midlife crisis.
You can find Inspiring Lives on Apple Podcasts or The podcast is no longer airing, but the existing episodes are worth a look. If you have a spare hour, why not spend it getting motivated to succeed in 2022?

-Randy Sklar


P.S. Are slow computers frustrating your team? Here are 5 things you can do right now:

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