Should Your Business Move To The Cloud?

Should I move my business to Office 365?


Wondering if you should make the shift to the cloud? Watch this video to see how the cloud cuts costs, reduces support, and transforms your business.
Click here:

I want to admit something: I have a lot of experience when it comes to the cloud, but I’ve also made a lot of mistakes.

As an entrepreneur and business owner, my customers were always pushing me help them move to the cloud. But as an early adopter myself, I had some concerns I had experienced first hand.

I’m passionate about helping small businesses grow and keeping business leaders from getting taken advantage of is my primary goal. Which is why we focus on security. Because I know how it feels to get blindsided, and the cloud is one of those things you can get blindsided with. If you aren’t careful.

Don’t get me wrong, the cloud is great for small businesses like yours and mine. We can take advantage of enterprise-level applications and platforms like Microsoft Office 365 offers.

You will save money by paying for what you need. You can simply subscribe based on how many users you have. The software will be up and running in no time, and you don’t need to spend much time or money training employees.

But migrating to the cloud isn’t as easy as they say. Let me share with you a few common oversights I’ve seen people make:

  • Not taking proactive measures when it comes to deciding which cloud service is right for their business. There are hundreds of clouds, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed. My advice? Think about your needs and address them before falling into a cloud that doesn’t work for your business.
  • Not considering old applications. Some legacy applications you have might not migrate to the cloud. Think about this before committing.
  • Not vetting cloud service partners. Make sure the companies you partner with are going to be involved, innovative, and invested. Call references before jumping in if possible.
  • Not ensuring their cloud service is secure. Recently, someone I know lost their cyber insurance policy because they didn’t have multi-factor authentication enabled. It’s a simple security strategy that can be easily overlooked with default cloud settings. Their service provider didn’t offer multi-factor as an option, so they lost their cyber insurance policy.

Don’t let these oversights happen to you. If you’re still not sure if you should move your business to the cloud, reach out to me. You can always bounce ideas off me.

I look forward to discussing the cloud with you!

-Randy Sklar


Want to see how the cloud can cut costs, reduce support, and transform your business?

Click here ->

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