by Randy Sklar | Sep 9, 2021 | Security
Protect Your Company With Cybersecurity Awareness Training Last year, the Texas-based IT company SolarWinds fell victim to foreign hackers. They breached the firm’s security systems and accessed the data of 18,000 of SolarWinds’ customers. Those customers...
by Randy Sklar | Dec 8, 2020 | Security, Sticky
“The Americans are the most gullible because they don’t like to deny coworkers’ requests.” –Kevin Mitnick, formerly the world’s most-wanted hacker Antivirus and Firewall Protection Will NOT Keep Your Data Safe Only 3% of modern cyber-attacks target a technical flaw...
by Randy Sklar | Oct 15, 2020 | Security
This summer, something strange happened at the Sklar Technology Partners’ office. Something tripped our security alarm. Fortunately, that something was ME and not a dire security breach. I turned the alarm off with ease, but we never got a call from the security...
by Randy Sklar | Apr 19, 2019 | Security
Who cares? It’s just my email. Cybersecurity is often motivated by financial fears. This is why keeping cyber criminals out of our bank accounts or payroll software takes top priority. But in the same breath, many people take a casual response to the security of other...
by Randy Sklar | Apr 5, 2019 | Security
Do you get a nagging feeling in the back of your mind when you put your credit card information into an app like Venmo or when you sync your Google account with a home security system? There’s a brief moment when you wonder if this app or feature is really safe. Then...
by Randy Sklar | Mar 22, 2019 | Security
Do you use your browser’s autofill option? Why wouldn’t you? You can save so much time online shopping when you don’t have to fill out your address manually each time you make a purchase. It can even make using secure passwords easier when you elect to have your...